Andrew Atherstone, D.Phil., Tutor in History and Doctrine and Latimer Research Fellow, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford.
Dr Atherstone’s main research focus is the history of Evangelicalism and Anglicanism from the eighteenth century to the present. He teaches church history at Wycliffe Hall, and is a member of Oxford University’s Faculty of Theology and Religion. He is editor, with David Ceri Jones, of Ashgate’s Studies in Evangelicalism.
Select Publications
Repackaging Christianity: Alpha and the Building of a Global Brand (Hodder & Stoughton, 2022).
Ed. with David Ceri Jones, Making Evangelical History: Faith, Scholarship and the Evangelical Past (2019); contributed chapter ‘J. C. Ryle and Evangelical Churchmanship’.
‘Protestant Reaction: Oxford, 1838-1846’ in The Oxford Handbook of the Oxford Movement, ed. Stewart J. Brown, Peter Nockles, James Periero (2018).
‘Defending Reformation Anglicanism: The Bishop Jewel Society at Oxford University, 1947-1975’ in Defending the Faith: John Jewel and the Elizabethan Church, ed. Angela Ranson, André A. Gazal, and Sarah Bastow (2018).
Ed. with David Ceri Jones, The Routledge Research Companion to the History of Evangelicalism (2018); contributed chapters ‘Evangelicalism and Evangelicalisms: Contested Identities’ and ‘Evangelicals and Islam’.
‘Anglican Evangelicalism’ in The Oxford History of Anglicanism, Volume III Partisan Anglicanism and Its Global Expansion 1829-C. 1914, ed. Rowan Strong (2017)
‘Commemorating Whitefield in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries’ in George Whitefield: Life, Context, and Legacy, ed. Geordan Hammond and David Ceri Jones (2016)
Bishop J.C. Ryle’s Autobiography: The Early Years (2016)
The Journal of Bishop Daniel Wilson of Calcutta, 1845-1857 (2015)
Good Disagreement? Grace and Truth in a Divided Church, edited with Andrew Goddard (2015)
Archbishop Justin Welby: Risk-Taker and Reconciler (2014)
Evangelicalism and the Church of England in the Twentieth Century (2014) [as co-editor]
Engaging with Martyn Lloyd-Jones (2011) [as co-editor]
Oxford’s Protestant Spy: The Controversial Career of Charles Golightly (2007)
Past Supervision: Crawford Stevener, Robert Brewis