Wesley and Methodist Studies
Joseph W. Cunningham, Eureka College
Geordan Hammond, Candler School of Theology, Emory University
James E. Pedlar, Tyndale University and Manchester Wesley Research Centre
Associate Editors:
Rachel Cope, Brigham Young University
Joel Houston, Briercrest College and Seminary
Erika K. R. Stalcup, Methodist e-Academy and Cliff College
Book Reviews Editor:
Martin Wellings, World Methodist Historical Society
Wesley and Methodist Studies (WMS) publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles that examine the life and work of John and Charles Wesley, their contemporaries in the eighteenth-century Evangelical Revival, their historical and theological antecedents, their successors in the Wesleyan and Evangelical traditions, and studies of these traditions today. We conceive of Methodist, Wesleyan, and Evangelical studies broadly and publish articles on these traditions from any academic discipline and from multidisciplinary perspectives. WMS is a project of the Manchester Wesley Research Centre and is published biannually by Penn State University Press.
You can access the WMS style guide for submissions here (further details about submitting essays can be found below).
Volume 17/1 (January 2025): Contents
Cheryl J. Sanders, Holiness and Black Consciousness: The Social Witness of Black Saints, Shepherds, and Sages
Mark Gorman, Emptiness as a Work of the Holy Spirit in the Writings of John and Charles Wesley
Daniel Castelo, Response to Mark Gorman
Martin Wellings, Pedagogy and Preaching in Edwardian Oxford: Ernest and Margaret Genner
Emily Nelms Chastain, ‘Break[ing] the System’: How the Methodist Student Movement Motivated a Generation to Challenge Their Denomination’s Segregationist Polity
To view the full contents pages of volume 17:1, click here. For contents pages of previous volumes follow the links below: volume 16:2, click here; volume 16:1, click here; volume15:2, click here; volume 15:1, click here. vol. 14:2, click here; volume 14:1, click here; volume 13:2, click here, volume 13:1, click here; volume 12:2, click here, volume 12:1, click here; volume 11:2, click here, volume 11:1, click here; volume 10:2, click here; volume 10:1, click here, volume 9:2, click here, volume 9:1, click here, volume 8:2 click here, volume 8:1, click here, volume seven, click here, volume six, click here, volume five, click here, volume four: click here, volume three: click here, volume two: click here, volume one: click here.
*The General Index for volumes 1 to 10 (2009-2018) is available via this link as a free open access document. The index is an electronic only part of volume 12/1. We hope it will be useful to you in your research.
Notes for Contributors
The suggested length for essays is 6,000–10,000 words including footnotes, although shorter and slightly longer papers will be considered. WMS occasionally publishes short papers given at a conference session (preferably all of the papers presented at a given session). Notes and sources relating to important new discoveries in the field and transcriptions of primary documents will also be considered. Submissions should be made via our Editorial Manager site. References should appear as footnotes and follow the conventions of New Hart’s Rules. Prospective authors should follow this link for detailed style guidelines.
WMS is currently accepting submissions for future volumes.
Joseph W. Cunningham, Co-editor, Wesley and Methodist Studies, Eureka College, jcunningham@eureka.edu.
Geordan Hammond, Co-editor, Wesley and Methodist Studies, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, ghammond@nazarene.ac.uk.
James E. Pedlar, Co-editor, Wesley and Methodist Studies, Tyndale University, jpedlar@tyndale.ca.
Book review queries should be addressed to the Book Reviews Editor, Martin Wellings at: martin.wellings@methodist.org.uk
To join the WMS Facebook group, click here.
The Johns Hopkins University Press handles subscriptions for WMS on behalf of Penn State University Press. Subscriptions can be ordered here. Online subscriptions or access to WMS via institutional subscription are available via Scholarly Publishing Collective. Back issues are available via JSTOR. See also the flyer for WMS with information on subscribing.
Previous volumes of WMS can be ordered via Amazon, or other online booksellers.
Libraries are encouraged to subscribe through EBSCO Information Services using ISSN 2291-1723.
Editorial Board
Kimberly Ervin Alexander, Ramp School of Ministry, USA
J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, Trinity Theological Seminary, Ghana
Joanna Cruickshank, Deakin University, Australia
Dennis C. Dickerson, Vanderbilt University, USA
David N. Field, Methodist e-Academy, Switzerland
Dion Forster, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
William Gibson, Oxford Brookes University and University of Oxford, UK
Chris E. W. Green, Southeastern University, USA
David Ceri Jones, Aberystwyth University, UK
Thomas Sie-Ngiu Lau, Methodist Theological School, Malaysia
Julie A. Lunn, Nazarene Theological College, UK
Mark A. Maddix, Nazarene Theological College, UK
Randy L. Maddox, Duke Divinity School, USA
Philip R. Meadows, Asbury Theological Seminary, USA
Clive Norris, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Glen O'Brien, Eva Burrows College, University of Divinity, Australia
Chang Hoon Park, Seoul Theological University, South Korea
Priscilla Pope-Levison, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, USA
Helmut Renders, Pontifical University of São Paulo, Brazil
Isabel Rivers, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Ulrike Schuler, Reutlingen School of Theology, Germany
Karen B. Westerfield Tucker, Boston University School of Theology, USA