Joseph Coleson, Ph.D. Professor of Old Testament Emeritus, Nazarene Theological Seminary.
Dr Coleson taught at Nazarene Theological Seminary from 1995 to 2019.
Select Publications
Study notes on Leviticus, Amos, Obadiah in The Nelson Study Bible, ed., Earl D. Radmacher, (Thomas Nelson, 1997).
Most of the “Verse-by-Verse Commentary” on Jeremiah in The Old Testament Study Bible: Jeremiah/Lamentations, ed., Gregory Lint (World Library Press, 2000).
Editor and contributor to the five-volume series, Wesleyan Theological Perspectives, published by Wesleyan Publishing House, 2006-2010.
Passion, Power, and Purpose 2006
The Church Jesus Builds 2007
Be Holy 2008
Treasure the Word 2009
Care of Creation 2010
Missio Dei: A Wesleyan Understanding (edited with Keith Schwanz) (Beacon Hill, 2011).
Genesis 1-11, New Beacon Bible Commentary, vol. 1 (Beacon Hill, 2012).
Research Supervision
Past supervision: Quinn Gervel (co-supervisor), Richard Liantonio (co-supervisor)
Email: jecoleson@nts.edu