Revd David Ceri Jones, Ph.D. (Wales)
Reader and Head of Department in History and Welsh History, Aberystwyth University; Associate Curate in the Church in Wales.
David specialises in the theology and history of religion in early modern and modern Britain. His specific research interests at the present time focus on the eighteenth century and the contemporary evangelical movement. While much of his research and writing focuses on his native Wales, he endeavours to place the Welsh experience in wider British and Atlantic contexts.
He is currently working on a critical edition of the correspondence of the eighteenth-century Calvinistic Methodist, George Whitefield.
Select Publications
David Bebbington & David Ceri Jones eds, Evangelicalism and Dissent in Modern England and Wales. Routledge Studies in Evangelicalism (Taylor & Francis, 2020), https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003011071
Andrew Atherstone & David Ceri Jones, eds, Making Evangelical History: Faith, Scholarship and the Evangelical Past. Routledge Studies in Evangelicalism (Taylor & Francis, 2019), https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315581231
'Evangelical resurgence in the Church in Wales in the Mid-Twentieth Century' in A. Atherstone, J. Maiden eds, Evangelicalism and the Church of England in the Twentieth Century, Studies in Modern British Religious History, (Boydell & Brewer, 2014).
'Calvinistic Methodism and the Reformed Tradition in Eighteenth-Century Wales', in T. Ó hAnnracháinm ed, Christianities in the Early Modern Celtic World (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), 164-178.
The Religious History of Wales: Religious Life and Practice in Wales from the Seventeenth Century to the Present Day (Welsh Academic Press, 2014). (with R. C. Allen and T. O. Hughes)
Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism: The Experience of the United Kingdom in the Twentieth Century (Oxford University Press, 2013). (edited with David W. Bebbington)
"'So Much Idolized by Some and Railed at by Others": Towards Understanding George Whitefield', Wesley and Methodist Studies 5 (2013), 3-29.
'ABC of Nonconformity', in T & T Clark Companion to Nonconformism, eds D. Morgan and R. Pope (Bloomsbury, 2013), 535-700.
Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism in the United Kingdom during the Twentieth Century (Oxford, 2013). (with David Bebbington)
The Religious History of Wales, 1700-Present (Welsh Academic Press, 2012). (edited with Richard Allen)
The Elect Methodists: Calvinistic Methodism in England and Wales, 1735‑1811 (University of Wales Press, 2012). (with Boyd Stanley Schlenther and Eryn M. White)
Engaging with Martyn Lloyd-Jones: the Life and Legacy of ‘the Doctor’ (Apollos, 2011). (edited with Andrew Atherstone)
The Correspondence of Iolo Morganwg, 1770‑1826, 3 vols (University of Wales Press, 2007). (with Geraint H. Jenkins and Ffion Mair Jones).
‘A Glorious Work in the World’: Welsh Methodism and the International Evangelical Revival, 1735‑1750 (University of Wales Press, 2004).