David A. Hull, ‘Rediscovering Pentecost: The Evangelistic Ministry of the Revd Dr Rob Frost and its Authenticity as an Expression of Methodist Theology and Practice’ (Cliff College, 2020)
The Revd Dr David A Hull is a Methodist Minister who has served in the worlds of church and education. Continuing to be a minister in Full Connexion with the British Methodist Conference, he currently serves within the Free Methodist Church UK as Lead Pastor of Freedom Church Bristol, based in Kingswood. He is the former Chair of, and now Ambassador for, MET:Revive, the evangelical network within the British Methodist Church. He is also Chair of the inter-denominational mission organisation Share Jesus International and Founding Chair of the Association of Wesleyan Evangelicals (AWE). David is married to Sarah and they have three daughters.
Email: david.hull@methodist.org.uk