David Wilson, Ph.D. (Manchester)
''Church and Chapel: Parish Ministry and Methodism in Madeleyc. 1760-1785, with Special Reference to the Ministry of John Fletcher', 2010.
David Wilson completed his Ph.D. in Religions and Theology at the University of Manchester, under the supervision of Dr Jeremy Gregory. He has recently presented papers at the American Academy of Religion and the Ecclesiastical History Society on the theology and ministry of Mary Bosanquet Fletcher. His thesis research is largely based on the Fletcher-Tooth Collection at the Methodist Archive and Research Centre at the John Rylands University Library of Manchester and the Madeley parish records at the Shropshire Record Office, Shrewsbury. He has recently completed a catalogue of the John and Mary Fletcher library, with an introduction, critical references and index, which is forthcoming from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library. Interests outside his thesis research lie in the field of ecclesiology, particularly the developments of Christian community throughout history in relation to ministerial practice, leadership, and social action. Along the same lines, he is interested in the study of modern ecclesiologies and their practical implications, especially the development of voluntary societies and parachurch organisations, church planting, and other emerging church movements. David is an ordained minister in the Free Methodist Church of North America and has served churches in Oregon, USA. He is currently an adjunct lecturer in Christian History and Thought at George Fox Evangelical Seminary.
David has now set up a webpage dedicated to John and Mary Fletcher: http://www.thefletcherpage.org/
Email: DRWilsonAcademic@gmail.com