Don Payne, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Theology and Christian Formation at Denver Seminary
Don's thesis, ‘Theological Anthropology and the Formation of Piety: a Study in James I. Packer’ (NTC), 2003, was published as The Theology of the Christian Life in J.I. Packer’s Thought: Theological Anthropology, Theological Method, and the Doctrine of Sanctification (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2006).
Recent publications
Surviving the Unthinkable: Choosing to Live After Someone You Love Chooses to Die. (Eugene, OR: Resource/Wipf & Stock Publications, 2015).
'Who We Are Determines How We Prosper: A Theological Anthropology to Guide the Economics of Human Flourishing', in Human Flourishing Through Economic Discipleship, eds Dieumeme E. Noelliste and Don J. Payne (Denver: Denver Seminary Grounds Institute of Public Ethics, 2014).
(co-authored with Sharon J.S. Heron and G. Brian Jones) Discipleship with a Capital 'D': What The Bible Teaches About Mentoring (Grass Valley, CA: Faith-Mentoring and More, 2010).
(co-authored with G. Brian Jones) Launching and Sustaining Mentoring in Your Ministry Setting (Grass Valley, CA: Faith-Mentoring and More, 2010).
'J.I. Packer’s Theological Method', in J.I. Packer and the Evangelical Future: The Impact of His Life and Thought, ed. Timothy F. George (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2009).
'The Theological Method of Premillennialism', in A Case for Historic Premillennialism: An Alternative to 'Left Behind' Eschatology, ed. Craig L. Blomberg and Sung Wook Chung (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2009).
'Field Education and Theological Reflection in an Evangelical Context', in Preparing for Ministry: A Practical Guide to Theological Field Education, ed. George M. Hillman, Jr. (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2008).
email: Don.Payne@denverseminary.ed