Enedina Martinez, Ed.D., Professor of Education, Mission Valley Regional Center, Point Loma Nazarene University

Dr Martinez spent four weeks in Manchester conducting research on John Comenius and John Wesley's theology of education.  She presented a paper on this topic at Nazarene Theological College's One Day Theology Conference in June 2007. 

Her research interests are in the area of language acquisition and the integration of faith, teaching, and learning.

Her MWRC research has informed the following presentations: 

Susanna Wesley’s Influence on a Transformative Pedagogical Approach to Online Christian Graduate Education (2015). 12th Annual International Symposium at the Brasenose College, University of Oxford.

A Comenian and Wesleyan Perspective of Online Learning in an Era of Globalization (2012). London Education Research Symposium.

Select Publications

Ministering Spiritually to Families (2015). (edited with Dr. William Jeynes)  (Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2015).

'Reflections on the Theologies of Education of John Comenius and John Wesley', in Christianity, Education and Modern Society (Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publisher, 2007).
