Joseph W. Cunningham, MA (Aquinas Institute of Theology), Ph.D. (NTC), ‘Perceptible Inspiration: A Model for John Wesley’s Pneumatology’, 2010, published as John Wesley's Pneumatology: Perceptible Inspiration (Ashgate, 2014)
Dr Cunningham's study explores John Wesley’s theology of the Holy Spirit by using the doctrine of perceptible inspiration – which Wesley elucidated in a series of letters between 1745 and 1748 – as its model. He is assistant professor of religion at Eureka College in central Illinois and an assistant editor of Wesley and Methodist Studies.
John Wesley’s Pneumatology: Perceptible Inspiration (Ashgate/Routledge, 2014/16)
The Path of Holiness: Perspectives in Wesleyan Thought in Honor of Herbert McGonigle (Emeth Press, 2014)
Essays/Peer-Reviewed Articles
'Purity in the Wesleyan Tradition', in Purity: Essays in Bible and Theology, Andrew Brower-Latz and Arseny Ermakov, eds. (Pickwick, 2014)
‘What has Athens to do with Oxford: A Study in Wesleyan Theology and Virtue Ethics’ in The Path of Holiness (Emeth Press, 2014)
‘Justification by Faith: Richard Baxter’s Influence on John Wesley’ in The Asbury Journal, vol. 67 no. 2 (2012)
‘John Wesley’s Moral Pneumatology: The Fruits of the Spirit as Theological Virtues’, in Studies in Christian Ethics, vol. 24 no. 3 (Fall 2011)
‘A New Trajectory in Wesleyan Pneumatology: “Perceptible Inspiration” Reconsidered’, in the Wesleyan Theological Journal, vol. 45 no. 2 (Fall 2010).
‘The Methodist Doctrine of Christian Perfection: Charles Wesley’s Contribution Contextualized’, in Wesley and Methodist Studies, vol. 2 (2010)
‘John Wesley’s Religious Epistemology’ (Co-authored with Scott Crothers), in via Media Philosophy: Holiness unto Truth: Intersection between Wesleyan and Roman Catholic Voices, L. Bryan Williams, ed. (New Castle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009)
‘Pneumatology through Correspondence: The Letters of John Wesley and “John Smith” (1745-1748)’, in Wesley and Methodist Studies, vol. 1 (2009)
Email: jcunningham@eureka.edu