Julianne Burnett, BA, MA (University of Exeter), MA (Wesley Biblical Seminary), PhD (NTC)
'Was Moses perceived as a magician? A Socio-Historical Exploration of Moses's Wonder-working in the Narratives of the Pentateuch within the Context of Ancient Egyptian and Israelite Magic' (NTC, 2020)
Julianne began her doctoral thesis in 2012 under the supervision of Dr Dwight Swanson. This research examines the Moses narrative of the Hebrew Bible within the context of ancient Near Eastern magic. Particular interest is with Moses's configuration with the Egyptian magicians and Pharoah in Exodus 4-12, with attention given to magico-religious practices of ancient Egypt.
Julianne is Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Asbury University.
Email: julianne.burnett@asbury.edu