Lord Elorm-Donkor, M.Phil. (University of Birmingham), Ph.D.
'Christian Morality in Ghanaian Pentecostalism: A Theological Analysis of Virtue Theory as a Framework for Integrating Christian and Akan Moral Schemes' (NTC), 2011.
Lord began his doctoral research in May 2008 with Dr David McCulloch as his primary supervisor after having completed a BA in Theology at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, a MA in Theology (Mission Studies) at Nazarene Theological College, and a MPhil in Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies at the University of Birmingham. He is currently serving as District Pastor of Church of Pentecost-UK, and Principal of the Birmingham Christian College – Crowther Hall, Selly Oak.
Select Publications
Christian Morality in Ghanaian Pentecostalism (Regnum Press, 2017).
'Christian Moral Education and the Great Commission in an African Context', in Teaching All Nations: Interrogating the Matthean Great Commission, eds Mitzi J. Smith and Jayachitira Lalitha (Fortress Press, 2014).
'African Worldview and Christian Pneumatology: Divergences and Convergences', Didache: Faithful Teaching 12/1 (Summer 2012).
Email: lajad2@hotmail.com